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Say Goodbye to Laundry Day

Wassie picks up, cleans, and delivers your laundry and dry-cleaning

Can't find your city? Check your zipcode here.

Have you tried Wassie yet?
Enjoy free pick-up and delivery when you spend €35 or more.

How does it work?

Wassie picks up, cleans, and delivers your laundry and dry cleaning.

App us your question?

For all your questions you can contact our own

Is Wassie already in your neighbourhood?

Unfortunately Wassie is not available yet in every part of the Netherlands. Check your postcode and find out if we can already collect your Wassie. 



For orders above €30, collection and return are free of charge. For orders under €30, you’ll pay €6.95 per order.

There are several possibilities. Think of your office, the gym, at home or at your neighbour’s. The condition is that someone hands over and/or accepts your laundry. In addition, that address must be in the area we cover. Check the postcode here.

You fill your laundry basket, you choose online when we will collect and return your laundry, you gather your laundry, empty your pockets, and give us your laundry. The whole explanation can be found on the “how does Wassie work” page.

We'll indicate this when you place your order, but the basic rule is: hanging. Only if you order a laundry bag, you will have the items returned folded in a clean laundry bag. You will have your order returned in suitable/protective packaging. This packaging is recyclable. If you return the packaging to our driver, you’ll help us to run a more sustainable business.

You gather the laundry you want to have cleaned. Empty all the pockets of your clothes. Put the items of your order in a bag. The laundry is collected and taken to the cleaners.

App us your question?

For all your questions you can contact our own

Free Delivery!

Have you tried Wassie yet? Enjoy free pick-up and
delivery when you spend €35 or more.